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Spamming tutorial, Ever wondered how people get their hands on bank logs, PayPal accounts, CC, Email addresses, and all sorts of online accounts? Wonder no more, I will briefly explain and give you hints on how to become a pro at SPAMMING and start making some real cash. I have a master class tutorial at the end of this and you can choose whichever fits you. It’s in 3 different packages that you can choose from. I promise 100% Results when you purchase any of the 3 packages.

First of we will see what we mean by the term spamming. Wikipedia definition:

Email spam, also known as unsolicited bulk Email (UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited commercial email (UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted email messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients. In simple language spamming means to send bulk mail to people in order to flood their mail or to make them fool and make some real $C@josh-jarrett

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Why do we spam? 

1. To get Bank Logs by spamming different banks.

2. To get cc, full.

3. To get Accounts like PayPal, dating sites, etc.

4. To spread our malware like Zeus, keyloggers, etc

There are endless reasons to spam but these were some of the common reasons for spamming

Now we learned what is spamming and why we spam or for what purpose we spam let us learn how to spam

Before we learn how to spam we need to know the meaning of general terms:

  1. Leads: Leads is the term used to refer to email lists, it’s basically another name for the common term email list. Leads aka email lists are lists of email addresses of people we are going to spam.

2. AMS(Advanced Mass Sender): It is a windows based tool that we used to spam, here we add our SMTP, load our email list aka leads, and add the email from which mail will be delivered for example if we are spamming chase bank we add the email of chase bank like no- and add our scam letter.

3. Scam Pages: Scam pages is another name for the Phishing page, it’s basically a replication of the original page. It’s used to get logs from our victims.

4. Scam letter: A scam letter aka fake mail is the name given to an email that is a replica of the original correspondence, here we tweak the original mail and edit asking the victim to log in to our scam page and we will get his logs.

5.PHP mailer: PHP mailer is a script that is used to spam our leads, this is another method of spamming. We don’t use the AMS tool, we spam via this PHP script.

6. Cpanel: Cpanel is the hosting panel of a website, in simple language, it’s a panel from where an admin of a particular site manages his/her website. We use cpanel to host our scam page.    Now the question arises why we don’t use our own cpanel host to host our scam page. The answer is simple hosting websites don’t allow scam pages on their servers so we used hacked cpanels to host our pages

7. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): SMTP is generally an application that runs on a server and is used to transmit and receive emails, in simple language we use SMTP to send our emails to our victims

Spamming Tutorial Methods?

There are two ways of spamming:

  1. Spamming Via SMTP and AMS.
  2. Spamming Via PHP Mailer.


This method is divided into 2 parts.

The first part is scam page uploading via cpanel.

The second part is loading leads to AMS, adding SMTP, and starting our spam

PART1: scam page uploading via cpanel

1. First, log in to Cpanel

Cpanel Spamming
  1. You Will See this type of screen:
  1. Now click on file manager and you will get screen like this:
  1. Now click on the new folder and make a new folder named site and double click on the dir created site you will see something like this:
  1. Now Click on upload:
  1. Now make a Zip File of your scam page and upload it via this uploader.
  2. Now go back to your main cpanel page and refresh the page and select the file and click extract:
  1. Now we need to edit a PHP file where we need to enter our email id where the scam page will send logs, its different in all cases in my case its l0gx.php (Select file and click edit):

At the place of $send = “”; Add your mail.    Now after you have followed all the steps we will check whether our page is working or not.    If your cpanel website is then you will access the scam page from

We successfully uploaded our scam page, now

we will move on to the second part of this method.

We successfully uploaded our scam page, now we will move on to the second part of this method.

loading leads to AMS, adding SMTP, and starting our Spam:  NOTE: Spamming is illegal as per laws so we should not spam from our own system

For spamming we should use RDP.

  1. First, connect to your RDP for that go to Start>All Programs> Accessories>Communications> Remote Desktop Connection
  2. Add your RDP IP
  1. You Will See a box asking username and password, enter your username and password and you will get access to RDP.
  2. Now open AMS, if you have rdp without AMS then you can install AMS yourself on rdp.
  1. First, we will add an account on AMS:

Click on Sender Accounts>Add/Edit Sender Account>Add your details>Click on add an account

  1. After this click on Return to the main window.
  2. Now Click on add>Add Server IP>Select Use authentication>Add Username>Add Password>Press OK
  3. Now Click on Mailing List>Add Group>Enter Group Name>Double Click on Group Name>Load Mail List>Select file. Now our leads are loaded.
  4. Now Add the Subject of your scam letter, suppose we are spamming chase then add the subject of the chase spam letter.
  5. Add your scam letter into msg body and select HTML from the message type.
  6. Now CLICK SEND!!!

You will see AMS sending emails to your victims.

Spamming Via PHP Mailer.

Spamming Via PHP mailer is quite simple, as in PART1 there were 2 Parts, in this method also there are 2 parts.

The first part is scam page uploading via cpanel.

The second part is spamming from the PHP mailers.

As you can see First Part is the same as method 1, I am not going to discuss it again, so let’s jump to part 2.

Spamming from PHP mailer

Now first of all I assume that we have uploaded our scam page,

now let’s start with spamming.

This is an image of a php mailer, which is most common in most mailers.

  1. First at Email: add the mail you want to send mail from, suppose you are spamming PayPal then add
  2. Leave a reply to the box, if you want to receive replies then add your mail.
  3. At Subject Add the Subject of your scam letter.
  4. At the message, the center adds your scam page code.
  5. At name enter the name of the bank etc you are spamming. For example, if you are spamming BOA then write BOA.
  6. At Email, Database add your email list.

NOTE: PHP Mailers only support 5k to 20k mails at one go.

Select HTML and click on send.

Advantages of Mailer over Method of AMS.

Most important advantage is that it reduces the cost of the spamming as we don’t need to buy RDP.

Second is that its more faster than AMS method of spamming.

Advantages of Method of AMS over Mailer

The first advantage is that it saves time as we don’t need to load leads again and again as in case of Mailer.

The second Advantage is that SMTPs are poorly configured and don’t have security on them, whereas mailers are secured and most common problem is that they don’t deliver mail after 5k or 10k spam, as they got security on them.

In end, I don’t say that all Mailers are not a good choice but most of them are not good.

Golden tricks for good spamming       

  1. Use IP SMTP, as said earlier most of them are having high limits.
  1. Use Clean Self-made scam pages, most mail providers blacklist sources of scam pages using self-made clean pages.
  2. Don’t use a real domain while spamming, suppose you are spamming PayPal, don’t use

Use no  – as don’t belong to PayPal so mail providers filters will consider it as genuine mail

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