We all want to know how to create a fake bank account online for one reason or another. Others use it to show their clients that they are wealthy, while others use it to prank people. This post will show you how to create a fake bank account balance. This post will show you how to build your own balance in your fantasy world and maybe show it off to friends. Learn carding for free right now step by step here
Disclaimer: Once again, this post is intended for people who want to create the banking application for programming purposes. Any intent to use this for another purpose isn’t acceptable.
There are many ways to create a fake bank account balance depending on the purpose you want it to serve. If you want to prank your friends, you can create a simple play store app that requires no configuration. But if you need it for something more complex like showing your online bank statement, you need to create something professional.
In this process, to create a fake bank account balance that I will show you, you’ll lose no money and no dime during the process.
Here are some popular queries that this post answers; So if you are searching for the following, your answer is right inside this post.
- Fake bank script
- Fake bank account website prank
- Fake bank account Apk
- How can I get a fake bank account that can be login online
- Prank bank account website
- How to create a fake bank account with money in it
- Fake online banking format
- Fake bank account balance prank
So, that’s by the way, let me share how to create a fake bank balance and account with you.
Your ‘thanks’ would not measure up to this goodness, but guess what? I don’t even need it.

Why People Create a Fake Bank Account Balance Online and What they Use It for
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If you stumble here as an ordinary web surfer, you are probably just surprised by what you see. “is it true there is a way to create a fake bank account online?” you may ask.
As an answer to your sincere question, there is. It is possible, but you can drag briefcase weight with Bill Gates. Your question now has an answer. So, proceed with me alongside other brilliant brains to see why you should create a fake bank account.
- You can make funny pranks with fake bank account(s).
- A fake bank account allows you to modify your account balance and pretend to be rich.
- The ladies will become yours due to the size of your account balance.
- Your friends will be pranked.
- Also, if you suspect you are dealing with a scammer online requesting your details, you can always give them your fake bitcoin account and protect yourself.
Apart from the mentioned above, there are many more things you could pull with a fake bank account. Maybe when the occasion arises, you’ll also rise to it. But for now, witness how to create a fake bank account for free.
5 Ways to Create a Fake Bank Account Balance
There are very few ways to create a fake bank account balance online. These ways are hidden so that only very few people know about them. However, in my course of wanting to see how I could improve my bank account, I discovered the working ways.
The truth is that knowing how to create a fake bank account balance was not what I had in mind. I intended to figure out outside jobs to do to make my bank account grow.
I’m glad this is what I ended up with because it has contributed to my changes. So, let’s begin with the deal.
I have some methods that you can use to achieve this. All of the methods you’ll find are the ones I use; I guarantee you 100% success. Just be smart and follow my lead. Who knows? It could be what you will be living tomorrow.
1. Create a Fake Bank Account Balance Using Scripts
This is the best way to create a fake bank account balance. It would require you to get a few tools and build an actual online bank.
To create a fake bank account balance using scripts, you will need the following;
- The domain name (name of the bank)
- Hosting
- PHP Script
- Coding expertise
Buy your domain name
This is the name to give your bank, like “Zwifer Bank.” To get this name, go to a platform like Shinjiru and buy a domain name like “zwiferbank.com”
Buy a Hosting Account
The hosting account will help your website come online. This means people can use their phones and access your website or view your account details. To buy hosting for this type of project, click on this link from Shinjiru. They will allow you to host such a website. Other web hosting platforms will bar and block your project.
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Buy script from us

If you need a banking website script that will make people visit your online bank and make your fake online bank account balance believable, we will sell it to you. Just place an order and send us an email. It costs $80.
Build the website and Add money to your profile

Once you’ve built the website, it gives you administrative control. You can then create your profile and add money to your balance. You will also see a way to download your account statement and show your final balance.
2. Cloning an Existing Bank Account Balance
This is the first example of creating a fake bank account balance online. I do not recommend you spend your time here if you intend to prank. People who should read this must be people who intend to take this knowledge to another level.
I refer to stuff like fraud and other powerful reasons on another level.
To follow this route, you will need to spend some cash. While you are about to lose some cash, bear in mind that it is worth it.
Suppose you create a simple website; your friends or whoever will not trust you. For this reason, you need something like that of a bank to make it real.
Are you sure you want to read further? better because you are about to read something critical. First, I will cite the essential elements of cloning a bank website.
- Knowledge of the bank’s website for cloning (design).
- The URL – For instance, if the intended bank’s website name is ‘www.dollarbank.com,’ your selection should be something like ‘www.thedollarbank.com.’ You can make any selection but ensure that it’s almost synonymous with the website you want.
- Download a website cloner.
For the web cloner tool, I’ll suggest HTTrack, but you can pick any tool of your choice. You’ll do more as a person who intends to run it alone. Just read and understand the tool you want to use before you proceed. As for of HTTrack, I’ll guide you on it.
Using HTTrack to Clone Bank Website

The first thing to do is to install it. To install, go to System and then select Add/Remove Software. Enter ‘httrack’ and install the necessary packages in the Find button. Or, type Sudo apt-get installs httrack. Locate the /usr/bin directory. The bin directory should be accessible in kali like /usr/bin.
Now, from kali, hit httrack –help.
The –O represents ‘output,’ which guides HHTrack on the location to forward the website.
You will find something like ‘usage: httrack <the URLs> [ -option] [+<URL_FILTER>] [ -<URL_FILTER>] [ +<mime :
Under <the URLs>, enter the bank site name.
Under [+<URL_FILTER>], enter the location you want the copy to be sent. Ensure that you have enough space on your hard drive. This is because you do not know how big that bank’s site might turn out. You can now test what you clone from the directory where the clone is present.
Now, if the bank website URL is www.bankwebsite.com, input /tmp/webscantest/www.bankwebsite.com/login.html, and when the link opens, you will be viewing precisely a copy of the bank website you want.
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A Successful Fake Bank Account Creation Online
After cloning is done, you are just halfway done. Proceed to erect your site. If you are unable to clone successfully, refer to a web developer. There are lots of them in the world. Even Fiverr can link you up with a decent web developer.
If you intend to go through a web developer, provide them with the theme of that bank site. Or better still, send the person a copy of the clone template.
But if you don’t want to clone another bank’s website, you can use a customized URL.
After successfully creating the bank account online, tweak it via your dashboard. Customize it to look actual and input figures that you feel like. It’s relatively easy but a bit stressful, though.
3. Clone an Existing Bank App
This is even easier but requires some level of expertise. This might be a walkover if you’re an app developer by profession. But if you are not, consider putting in more work and hiring a professional.
In this case, pick the bank you want and initiate the cloning process. There are various reliable tools that you can use to achieve this. When you have your fake mobile app ready, log in to your fake account as a moderator and set the balance to any figure.
Once people see that it is a bank app, they’ll quickly believe you. When my girlfriend saw my bank account balance, she scolded me for not telling her about such. And as you might guess, I explained everything to her, and she was like, ‘wow-wow-wow.’
One thing to note about having the clone mobile app function online is that you’ll require an underlying app link. In this case, creating or cloning a bank website might still be necessary.
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4. Download a Fake Bank App from Playstore
Using a fake bank app is another way to create a fake bank account online. This way is the last because it’s very cheap and easy to use. The only thing about this method is that it can be pronounced. For instance, although you can tweak the figures and all, it will limit you with certain things necessary things.
There are so many of these apps out there. Some such apps are the Money Prank app and Fake Bank Account app.

You can find and install the Money Prank app from Google Play Store. This app lets you tweak your fake bank account figures into whatever digit you wish. You can change the currency symbol to what you want and even carry out fake transactions. Surprisingly, the Google Play Store allows it so that you can head there for the app.
The Fake Bank Account app isn’t on the Play Store, and it is just 2.9 MB. Unlike Money Prank, Fake Bank has additional super features that help you create a fake bank account online. For instance, it allows you to do the following:
- Select a currency. If the currency you want is not available, you can message them to include it in the app.
- It gives you an account number.
- So many banks are there, so you can set your fake account to various banks.
- The bank balance figure is unlimited.
- You can make fake transfers.
- It supports even ATM withdrawal features to make it look more authentic.
How to Download the Fake Bank App.
So here are the steps to create a fake bank account that can serve as a prank on your friends;
Visit the Google Play Store
Once you visit the Google play store, you will type the following on the search bar “Fake bank account balance” the first app called fake Bank Account” is the one I recommend because it is simple to use and contains fewer Ads.

Install the Application
If you haven’t installed the application, you will see a place to click install and let the app be installed on your phone. I have installed mine already so that you can see “open” on my app.

Step Three
Open the app’s interface and minor changes like your “Bank name” and “Account Balance.” I suggest you use a familiar bank name and make your account balance entirely believable.
You can change every detail of the app from the “settings” area once you click on it.

Step Four
Make changes to suit you and make your profile appear natural and believable to your friends or clients.

Is it illegal to make a fake bank account
No, it is not illegal if you are using it for fun. It becomes illegal if you are using it for scamming. When I started off my programming journey, I used to build fintech applications like bank apps and all. So as long as you don’t dupe anyone, you are good to go.
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Summary of Creating a Fake Bank Account Balance
From the several ways we have highlighted to create a fake bank account balance, you can choose which one suits you.